On Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., we’ll be having our monthly meeting featuring…
Fluorescent Fest!
with Scot Krueger, BMC President
About the presenter…
Our own president, Scot Krueger, will be hosting a celebration of fluorescent minerals at our December meeting. He will be bringing the display-grade fluorescent light he won at this year’s BMC auction, along with an assortment of fluorescent specimens from his own collection. Members and guests are invited to bring some of their own fluorescent minerals and rocks to see how they look under a display lamp, or just to show off some nice ones, and to say a few words about them. Members who would like to display fluorescent minerals, or talk about their favorite fluorescent minerals or fluorescent light sources, should contact Scot and let him know what they’d like to share with the club during the session (especially if they want to show slides, which he can add in advance to his PowerPoint deck).
The details…
The meeting will start with the usual business presentation, followed by a brief slide show on the physics behind the various forms of mineral fluorescence and some of the more famous fluorescent minerals. We will then move on to a live demonstration of some of the specimens Scot and others have brought. Hopefully, we will see some examples that show differently under short-, mid-, and long-wave UV, since the lamp provided has all three (as well as a white light). Those who have UV flashlights are encouraged to bring them so we can compare brands and models for those who may be thinking about getting a light for their own fluorescent minerals. As usual, we will end the session with the traditional mineral raffle—who knows, maybe we’ll have even a fluorescent specimen or two?
The UV light will be set up before and after the session for anyone who is just curious about seeing a specimen or two of their own under UV light but do not wish to do it in front of the group.
Hope to see you there!