October 1, 2024, Monthly Meeting

On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., we’ll be having our monthly meeting featuring…

BMC Business and an Impromptu Member Show-and-Tell
with Rich Piligian, BMC President

About the presenter…

Rich Piligian, our club president, will be the emceee for the meeting.

The details…

The meeting will start with some time for socializing, then discussion of club business and welcoming of new members, followed by members talking about interesting things they’ve found or bought recently. Members interested in giving a quick five-minute presentation should contact Rich, if possible, before the meeting. See previous issues of BMC News for his contact information.

You’re encouraged to bring an example or two from your collection to show!

After the show-and-tell, we’ll have the traditional BMC specimen raffle! Buy some tickets for a chance to win!

Hope to see you there!